1、法官 Moderator
2、狼人 Werewolves
3、村民 Villagers
4、預言家 Seer
5、女巫 Witch
有兩瓶藥水(potion), 一瓶可以救被殺的人,一瓶可以毒死任何人。
6、獵人 Hunter
7、長老 Acient
8、守衛 Savior
1.競選警長 run for the sheriff
2. 焊跳 pretend to be a seer
3. 退水 quit the election
4. 金水 good identity
5. 查殺 bad identity ”
6. 扛推 vote for the worst speech player
7. 聊爆 make mistakes during the speech
8.爆狼 I declare that I'm a werewolf
9.三狼上警 three werewolves run for the sheriff
10. 自刀騙藥 kill one werewolf during the night to defraud the witch's potion
11. 警徽流 a good use of the police badge
12. 狼踩狼(匪踩匪)lynch your fellow werewolf
13. 不殺預言家 not killing the Seer
1、強勢要警徽 I declare seriously that I'm a seer.
2、我查殺X號,他是狼人。 I have confirmed that Player X was a werewolf.
3、這輪好人跟我一起把X號票出去。 Everyone, especially humans should vote against player X with me and push him out.
4、上輪沒有驗出查殺,我驗的是X號,他是好人。 X號玩家我已經給你好身份了,你要幫好人好好玩。 What a pity! This time I didn't find out any werewolf. I have affirmed No.X to be a good guy. Player X, I have proved/confirmed your identity in the hope that you can play nicely and help us to find out the werewolves.
5、 我覺得X號身份比較可疑,建議預言家如果沒有驗過的話下輪驗一下他。 I suppose player X to be a werewolf. I don't know whether the seer have already verified him. If not, I hope seer could verify him next time.
6、如果預言家有驗出查殺,請跳出來報下查殺,以免推錯人。 If the seer have found out a werewolf, declare frankly and clearly, please. For fear that we push someone out wrongly.
7、這輪準備推X號和X號,先聽他倆發言再決定先推誰。 Our pushing objects are No. × and No.×. I’ll decide which one will be pushed out first after hearing their statements.
8、你憑什么懷疑我啊? Why (on earth) do you suspect me to be a werewolf?
9、你們冤枉好人啦(我是冤枉的) You wronged an innocent person. I was wronged.
10、他肯定是假跳,我正式跳預言家,我才是真預言家 I think that he pretends to be a seer. He isn't a seer. I formally declare that I'm a real seer (indeed).
11、平民若不確定,可以先不投票 The villager: You may abstain from voting, if you are not sure.